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Declan Thomas

I make some things, sometimes.

♂️ 22 from Leeds, UK
🎓 from Northumbria Univeristy

💼 CV
👨‍💻 Github
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📧 [email protected]


This site is temporary
I am currently working on a portfolio to be hosted here.

What do you do?

I am currently working as a Trainee Software Developer in Leeds, UK.
I spend my free time working on my own personal software projects and also creating levels for the rhythm game 'osu!'.

I am raring to start re-exploring robotics and computer engineering once I have the both the necessary funds and the space to do so; I believe that's where my true passion lies.


My stars

My current fascination is the homebrew scene on game consoles;
Low level programming / exploitation is something I would love to take up.
So thank you to @smealum, @yellows8, @fail0verflow and anybody else working to improve the homebrew scene.